For Walmart takeover projects, requirements include coordinating with the developer’s civil engineer to convey all of the Walmart site specific design requirements for construction. CEI began coordinating early in the due diligence process with the broker, architect, site owner, and various subconsultants necessary for research of the existing structure and any hazards or improvements needed to deliver a like new store for Walamrt. CEI also worked with the site owners on several site layout constraints, ultimately having the owners correct or pay for improvements for which Walmart should not be responsible. The biggest challenge for these project was to update the site to include the latest state requirements for pedestrian and ADA accessibility, while maintaining as much of the existing site features as possible and minimizing construction costs. CEI produced all the civil construction plans, details, specifications, and processed all the site permitting for both projects.
CEI provided efficient coordination between the Walmart architectural team, the shopping center owners and adjacent tenants, and the various subconsultants involved in both projects. The coordination resulted in well-designed site and building plan sets used for final construction, which minimized the amount of site and building changes during the construction process. CEI also worked closely with the Walmart Construction Manager throughout the bidding and construction phases of the project to ensure a smooth process.