Van Buren Parks Master Planning

Project Location: Van Buren, AR

CEI worked closely with the City of Van Buren to review existing city parks and city-owned property, analyze the needs of the City and the park users, gather input from the public, and prepare a strategy for future growth and development. Throughout this process, the public was greatly involved. All plans were open to public input, with open forum meetings held for anyone to attend and draw their ideas directly on the plans. Questionnaires were posted online to help gather public input and ensure maximum involvement and ownership in city parks. The seven parks located in Van Buren varied from a ¾-acre neighborhood park to a 45+-acre regional park facility. These parks also offer a wide range of programmed and non-programmed facilities, active and passive recreation areas, as well as several opportunities for the City to generate revenue.

Project Gallery
Project Includes:
Civil Engineering
Parks & Trails